Spring Bracelets with Fashion Links


Assembled and closed with a small invisible screw clasp. Decorated with figure beads on ball head pins, fashion links and silver rings.

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Prezzo totale
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Come farlo
Guide step %d
1   Pull the bracelet so that the clasp is visible. Twist to open.
Guide step %d
2   Put the figure bead onto a ball head pin, snip and twist to make a double loop.
Guide step %d
3   Assemble the loop and the ring with an oval ring.
Guide step %d
4   Thread on the pendant and beads.
Guide step %d
5   Before screwing the ring together, turn it slightly in the opposite direction to avoid it becoming twisted.
Guide step %d
6   Close the next ring inside the first so that they are joined.
Guide step %d
7   Assemble the 3rd ring with the other two.
Guide step %d
8   Variation; Assemble the spirals in pairs with rings before closing them.
Guide step %d
9   Assemble as before.
Guide step %d
10   You may plait the spirals slightly before assembling.
Guide step %d
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Guide step %d
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Guide step %d
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