Punched-Out Cones


Ready-made punched-out cones decorated with a Pearl Pen and stickers.

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Prezzo totale
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Come farlo
Guide step %d
1.   Decorate the ready-made punched-out cones with stickers and a pearl pen and let them dry.
Guide step %d
2.   Assemble the cones using double-sided adhesive tape.
Guide step %d
3.   Cut a handle and attach it to the cone.
Guide step %d
4.   Cut a piece of paper yarn for hanging.
Guide step %d
A.   Attach a doily onto the back of the cone with double-sided tape. Decorate the front with a pearl pen and stickers.
Guide step %d
B.   Decorate hearts with a pearl pen and let them dry. Assemble the hearts in pairs around a piece of paper yarn using double-sided adhesive tape.
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