Feather Jewellery


Feathers attached onto a head pin and fastened with a crimp bead. The pendants are attached onto the lower loop of the head pin and then attached to Ear Wires and leather cords.

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Come farlo
Guide step %d
1   Twist the head pin around a darning needle or round nose pliers to make coils.
Guide step %d
2   Make a loop at the other end.
Guide step %d
3   Bend the loops/coils upwards.
Guide step %d
4   Insert the feathers into the loops/coils.
Guide step %d
5   Attach a crimp bead and squeeze.
Guide step %d
6   Trim the ends of the feathers.
Guide step %d
7   Attach a pendant onto the lower loop. Close the loop.
Guide step %d
8   Attach the Ear Wire.
Guide step %d
9   Make the pendant for the leather cord in the same way as the ear rings.
Guide step %d
10   Attach the pendant.
Guide step %d
11   Close the loop.
Guide step %d
12   Attach a round jump ring.
Guide step %d
13   Cut a piece of leather cord to your desired length and glue on an end cap.
Guide step %d
14   Pull on a Fashion Link and tie a knot.
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