Candle Holders with a Metal Hanger


Decorate these decorative candle holders with Kraft Paper with music notes and wrap striped cotton string around. Attach a Father Christmas (metal plate or wood veneer) and draw small hearts with a glitter glass and porcelain marker.

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Come farlo
Guide step %d
1.   Tear a piece of Kraft Paper with music notes in an appropriate size (approx. 6 x 27cm or approx. 3 x 27cm).
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2.   Attach special double-sided adhesive tape onto the middle of the candle holder.
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3.   Attach the paper around the candle holder onto the special double-sided adhesive tape.
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4.   Striped cotton string is wrapped around the candle holder three times.
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5.   Attach a Santa Claus underneath the striped cotton string.
Guide step %d
6.   Finally draw small red hearts along the bottom edge of the candle holder using a glass and porcelain marker.
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