A Braided Bracelet


Braided with macramé polyester cord in two thicknesses with two sizes of bead. Decorated with feathers inserted into end caps and attached with an oval jump ring.

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Come farlo
Guide step %d
1   In 1mm cord cut approx. 40cm and in 2mm cord cut two pieces each measuring 80cm. Gather the three cords and attach 10cm of this cord onto a clip board.
Guide step %d
2   Start with the thick cord on the right. Pull it under the thin cord and over the cord on the left which is then lifted over the thin cord and over the thick cord on the right.
Guide step %d
3   Continue like this. Always use the cord which comes to the “gap”.
Guide step %d
4   Tighten the cords each time.
Guide step %d
5   Occasionally thread a bead onto the thin cord.
Guide step %d
6   Remember the right order, after attaching the bead.
Guide step %d
7   When the bracelet has the required length, fasten the thin cord securely.
Guide step %d
8   Cut off the thin cord and melt it. Immediately squeeze the end of the cord with the tip of a pair of scissors.
Guide step %d
9   Arrange the 2 x 2 ends parallel. With a new piece of cord, braid approx. 3cm.
Guide step %d
10   Secure the ends and melt them together.
Guide step %d
11   Tie a knot on three of the ends and melt.
Guide step %d
12   The last end is glued into an end cap.
Guide step %d
13   Glue a feather into an end cap.
Guide step %d
14   Assemble the two end caps with an oval jump ring.
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